How Does Open Bidding Work in Google Ad Manager?
Tuesday, 07 Mar 2023 02:30 am


Open Bidding in Google Ad Manager lets you vend announcement force to the loftiest endeavor in real- time. This companion will show you how it works and how you can make the utmost of it.

What's Open Bidding? In simple words, open bidding allows you to tap into the power of real- time deals, giving you access to a wider range of demand mates and driving better performance for your advertisements.

With open bidding, you can Invite multiple buyers and vend your force for a better price in a real- time transaction. This was the idea behind title bidding when it was introduced in the request. After looking at its escalated relinquishment, Google launched its own product Exchange Bidding in Dynamic Allocation( EBDA).

latterly on, it was renamed Open Bidding as a part of Google’s branding practice with the addition of some services like a unified transaction.

Google glorified its product to be better than title bidding – simple to set up and does n’t contribute to quiescence. But is it really true? To answer this question, you must understand the working of Open Bidding.

Understanding More About Open Bidding

Google’s Open Bidding is a garçon- side unified transaction where colorful announcement exchanges, SSPs, and networks can contemporaneously bid for an print.

Within Google Ad Manager( GAM), Open Bidding allows publishers to add their own demand mates( yield mates) along with AdSense and AdX. Once the setup is complete, the transaction runs in real- time for each print.

also, publishers get fresh benefits like trafficking, reporting, and billing under the GAM platform.

Who are Yield Partners in Open Bidding?

Yield Mates are the demand mates( advertisers, DSPs, and announcement networks) that support/ sign up for Open Bidding. Publishers are needed to have a contractual relationship with these mates for them to bid. Google does n’t get involved in this relationship. It's Google’s way of allowing publishers to bring their own demand and run an transaction on Google’s platform.

Example: OpenX, Index Exchange

What is the Process of Open Bidding? How Does it Work?

To understand how Open Bidding works, let’s divide the process into four steps:

1. Website Generates Ad Requests and Sends them to the Google Server

Whenever a stoner appears on the webpage, the law placed inside the announcement units( Google Publisher Tag) sends a signal to the announcement garçon( Google Ad Manager) that an print is available. This signal contains details of announcement units( size, format) and stoner demographics for targeting( if allowed by the stoner). The garçon translates this data for the demand side and creates shot requests.

2. Server Generates Bid Requests and Passes Them to Demand-Side

The shot requests are transferred to all the buyers looking for this print. For case, if the available print is on a 720 × 90 announcement unit, also only the buyers looking to target this size would get the shot request. This is done by going through each line item to find the eligible bone .

3. Server Collects Bid Responses and Runs a Unified Auction

Once demand- side submits their responses, GAM runs a unified transaction involving yield mates, Ad Exchange, and other direct line particulars.

4. Winning Bid Along with Creative(s) Sent to Publisher’s Website

Announcement director accepts the flings until downtime. also it compares and selects the winning shot. Base who wins the transaction, the Google garçon passes on announcement creative.